Monday, October 12, 2009

Weight Gain

As everyone knows, I'm pregnant and therefore have been gaining weight. I totally understand the need to gain, but as I weighed myself this morning I actually had to fight back the tears of my new found weight (5 pounds heavier than last month). I realized I must be doing a few things wrong. First, I believe I'm putting too much weight on too fast (although my doctor says I'm still within the normal range). This frustrates the heck out of me for a number of reasons. First, before I got pregnant I lost a bunch of weight (like 55 pounds). So I really didn't want to gain any more weight than necessary during my pregnancy so I didn't end up back at square one. Two, I currently exercise at least 5 days a week, but usually 6 days. I go walking for about 40 minutes then I come home, stretch and do some light strength training for about 15 minutes. If I'm exercising every day, then why the heck am I gaining weight so fast?! I want half a pound a week, not a full pound a week! This leads me to the conclusion that it must be the food, I'm eating too many dang calories.

Food must be the problem. When I was dieting prior to pregnancy, following a good healthy diet was actually pretty easy most of the time. However, since I got pregnant, the thought of some foods makes me sick, while the thought of other foods makes me want them, NOW. For example, I used to eat at least one or two apples every day, but then I got pregnant and apples never sounded good to me. It's only been since last week that I can eat apples again. Then there's seafood. I used to love eating good fish like tilapia, salmon, tuna, and shrimp. Well, not so anymore! I've tried it a couple times just to see if I can eat it again, but no, it still makes me want to vomit. It has now been 5 months since I've eaten any kind of seafood. Now lets not forgot the stuff I have to have all the time, like sugary treats. Prior to pregnancy, I rarely ate them. Now, I crave it all the time. I don't have any other weird pregnancy cravings like pickles and peanut butter (actually pickles make me gag now) all I crave is sugar in different varieties. And yes, I often give in to this craving. But I justify it by thinking "Well, I pretty much eat low calorie, healthy foods the rest of the day, I drink plenty of water, and I exercise every day, so this cookie won't kill me," but apparently it does.

So, what do I do to slow this crappy weight gain? I'd love to say that I'll just stop eating sugar treats completely, but I know that's not going to happen. I can cut back, but not get rid of them completely. I guess I'll just cut the calories more in the rest of my diet and up my exercise as much as I safely can. Unless you've got any better ideas? How did the rest of you women fight too much weight gain while you were pregnant? Also, if you're willing to share, how much weight did you gain in your pregnancies and how much came off within the first month (you know, from baby stuff and water weight)? I need some comfort here people.


  1. I don't know how much weight I lost right after birth or within the next month or two, but it was significant. I gained most of my pregnancy weight the last two months of pregnancy too. I have to warn you, getting rid of post birth weight is difficult. I've been struggling with it and sadly will continue to do so. The best thing I can tell you is to eat what you want your baby to eat and do what you feel is best for your baby. Right now you are a vessel for a growing baby and that is most important. AND after birth you just need to remember as you try to healthily and happily lose weight that it is because of your sweet baby and that is a happy thing :). AND your husband will love you no matter what, same with your baby.

  2. I think if you're doing things 'fairly' right -- not gorging, getting some exercise, trying to be healthy, then don't stress about the weight gain. I wouldn't try and 'diet', just eat healthy. And don't even stress too much about eating 'perfectly', you can eat some junk food while you're pregnant and you're not hurting the baby at all! Some women's bodies just gain easier during pregnancy than others, and as long as it's not out of control and your doctor's not concerned, I wouldn't stress about it! And there were months I gained 6-7 lbs and just about freaked out, then the next month I'd only gain 1 lb. So, if you're making an effort to be healthy (and by the sound of your exercising -- way more than I did at this point in pregnancy, I think you are), I would just let your body do what it's going to without stressing too much about it!
    And, as someone who was a bit 'bigger' after pregnancy (and my whole adult life), weight loss after childbirth was the easiest I ever lost weight (and I'm not just talking that immediate 20+ lb. weight loss in the first few weeks -- but I kept losing weight 'til 7-8 months postpartum just through nursing). Without much effort on my part, I got down to 10lbs LOWER THAN MY WEDDING WEIGHT after Annie was born.
    Good luck! And don't stress too much about it -- your body is doing an incredible thing, and it just has different priorities than you do right now! :)

  3. It sounds like you're doing a great job!! And if you're in the normal range, then you should be fine!! Remember what is most important is a HEALTHY baby!

    Be patient with your body afterwards, too. It took me a good six months after each child to get back to my normal weight (and you know how little I am). Your body will go through a lot of changes, like your hips will go wider, and it takes time. But, with a healthy lifestyle, you can get back to that ideal weight. I promise!

    Be patient with yourself and enjoy these beautiful changes! We only get these a couple of years in our lives. They go too quickly.

  4. I struggled with this problem too! With my fourth baby I gained 45 pounds. Before I got pregnant with him I had lost 55 pounds (and 85 pounds from my heaviest). I really didn't want to gain very much weight, and as you said, start from square one again after he was born. It didn't matter that I counted my calories the entire pregnancy, I still gained 45 pounds and it took me a year to get it off after he was born.

    It is really frustrating, more so for those of us that have struggled to get the weight off in the first place. Just hang in there. In the long scheme of things, it's just a short time and the baby is totally worth it all!
