Saturday, May 1, 2010

4 Months Old

Ryker is officially 4 months old (well he was 2 days ago, but I’m a little late posting)! He is such a happy baby! He’s constantly smiling or giggling and he’s even started playing with us. He loves to eat his hands and recently he has started drooling a lot. For the most part he’s an okay sleeper, but he still gets up once in the middle of the night around 2am and then again at 6am, but then goes back to sleep for two or three hours. He still loves to cuddle. He reaches for things all the time; his toys, mommy’s hair, the dogs, anything that looks interesting. He’s starting to accept tummy time a little better and rolls over most days from his tummy to his back. He holds his head up no problem (although he’s been doing that for a while now) and he’s starting to do better about holding himself up while sitting up. He also LOVES to stand up. Half the time when I try to get him to sit down he will not bend his legs because he wants to stand. He’s already stubborn. :)

Ryker had his 4 month appointment on his 4 month birthday (the 29th) and he weighed 12 pounds 9 ounces (10 percentile) and was 24 inches long (25 percentile). Even though he’s small for his age, the doctor said he is way above average on his strength (I could have told him that). The Doc compared his strength to that of a 6 month old. Go my strong baby! And yeah, he’s growing well! One nice thing about him being little is that he does still fit well in clothes 0 to 3 months and size 1 diapers. That’s okay with me though, I love having a tiny baby! It’s so fun!

Here are a few fun stories from this month:

Happy Dancing Baby!
On Sunday April 25th Ryker was sitting on Adam’s lap in Sunday School. Adam was making funny faces at him at Ryker was getting excited and smiling back and him. Then all of a sudden Ryker started doing a little baby dance (holding his arms out to the side and rocking back and forth) with a huge grin on his face. It was so hilarious Adam and I started laughing at him. He would stop and watch us, wait for us to finish laughing, and then do his happy baby dance again. He kept doing it over and over again, which had Adam and I laughing hysterically and totally disrupting Sunday School. It was worth it though, it was one of the funniest things I’ve seen!

Play Time Fun
Ryker has started playing with us. Earlier this week I was playing like I was eating his tummy and he would smile at me. Then all of a sudden he grabs a big handful of my hair and yanks it. I look at him and say something like, “Hey, that’s mommy’s hair,” and he starts giggling at me mischievously. Yes, he is definitely Adam’s son! Already teasing me!

The next day I was playing with him again like I was eating his tummy and then he shoves his little hand in my mouth, which I assumed meant he wanted me to eat that too, so I pretended to eat his hand, which of course he thought was hilarious and he started giggling at me again.

Then today I was playing peek-a-boo with him. He was sitting in his car seat, which was on the kitchen table and I would duck down beneath the table where he couldn’t see me, then pop back up and say boo. Every time I did this he would laugh. It was awesome.

Good Baby at the Zoo
Not too much to this story, just that on Tuesday of this past week Adam, Ryker, and I went to Hogle Zoo for the first time as a family. Ryker mostly slept the whole time in his car seat/stroller and when he did wake up he just sat there smiling up at us. Then afterward we went out to dinner and he was totally a happy kid the whole time, just chilling in his car seat smiling and cooing and baby talking to us. Ryker is the best!

So all of these fun little stories made me realize something, I would pretty much do anything to hear my baby laugh! He has the cutest little giggle and laugh in the whole world as far as I’m concerned. He’s so easy to get to smile. I love having a happy baby! I’m excited for the little milestones he’ll accomplish this next month!


  1. cullen was such a stand up baby too. he was always standing up and some ladies kept telling me it was bad for his legs... whatever. he's strong and he wants to use him... ryker seems like he'll be a fast mover.

  2. Annie had to stand all the time, from the time she was just a few weeks old! It always seemed to annoy the grandmas, who just wanted to hold and cuddle her like an infant, but she'd have none of it :-)
    He's so cute!

  3. He really does seem to have gotten Adam's mischievousness!!!

  4. I remember loving 4 months!! Their personalities just seem to come alive! It is one of my favorite baby ages! So glad you're enjoying it!
